Available Today on LoveLockCutters.com
Power Cutters & Angle Grinders
Nothing tears through a love lock as good as a power bolt grinder and angle cutter. Within seconds the lock is cut and he split steel lock is left smoldering red hot on the ground leaving a delicious smoky fragrance wafting in the air. The smell is from the devastation you have wrought upon the insignificant sentimental vows that the simpletons have left for us in the form of their ninny love lockets.
These battery powered or alternating current models are perfect for late night lock cutting ceremonies when speed and maximum lock carnage is required. These cutters can be discreetly carried in knapsacks or in duffle bags right to the spot where the profane self-indulgent tributes of sappiness have been attached and like a secret black-ops mission these power cutters will swiftly clear cut vast areas of love locks before anyone knows what is happening.
These power cutters are great when making reaction videos as you can follow a couple and watch their cute little love lock ceremony then sweep in like an eagle onto a gopher and tear apart their lock before their eyes and show them that we're all as mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore. Diamond sands and super-strong carbide cutting blades rotate at high RPM's and leave shooting stars of sparks flying into the sky so using these love lock cutters at night is especially dramatic especially when disguised with red devil paint and horns.
With your power love lock cutter you'll give people a ceremony they won't soon forget! A ripping steel scream across their pathetic childishly trite ritual. Nothing says "stop the nonsense" like the blunt force trauma of a carbide and diamond tipped blade searing through cheap costume metals of gimmicky locks posed with such a disgusting sentimentality. Snap these pretentious little hooligans into reality and throw the sheer pollution and vandalism of their acts right back into their cherubic faces. You won't believe the look you'll get from their clueless eyes as they attempt to make their limited brain power understand that their little love locks are a disgusting affront to all that is respectable in the world and about as romantic as piling chewing gum into a pile in honor of their dead relatives.